KUALA LUMPUR: More underage girls are having sex to get back at their parents for neglecting them.
This startling information was revealed by police who said that the girls had initially claimed they were raped but later admitted to have consented to sex with their boyfriends.
Statistics compiled since 2005 showed that the number of girls below 16 years old who are sexually active has been increasing every year.

The study also revealed that an alarming 60% of girls between the ages of 13 and 15 had sex because they “wanted revenge” on their parents. Sex with a girl aged under 16 is classified as statutory rape under the Penal Code.
The girls, largely from urban areas, confessed that they had befriended men as they were angry with their parents for subjecting them to emotional and physical “abuse”.
While some had sex with men just to get back at their parents, others were coerced into it by the very men they had turned to for solace, said Asst Comm Suguram Bibi Munshi Deen, head of the Sexual Abuse and Children’s Division at Bukit Aman.
Noting that teen rape had risen since 2005, she said that the victims – mostly from cities and major towns in Selangor, Johor and Kedah – usually ended up pregnant.
“We are not pointing a finger or exposing the private lives of families but the public must realise what is happening,” said ACP Suguram Bibi.
“Children, teenagers and youths are our future leaders and we as adults, parents or guardians must guide and instil in them right and proper values.”
Statistics from 2005 to 2008 showed 75% of the rape victims were below 18 years old and at least 60% of the girls were below 16. Boys below 18 made up between 8.4% and 13.6% of the “rapists”.
The study also showed that teenagers got bored easily, craved attention or wanted the freedom to express themselves.
ACP Suguram Bibi said parents should educate sons to respect the opposite sex and not take advantage of them.
“We also found that some boys were challenged by their peers and forced to commit sex acts to prove that he was one of the gang and to stop being ridiculed.”
She advised parents to understand the law better and welcomed inquiries from anyone on investigation procedures in sexual assault cases.
Related Story:
Experts: Don’t neglect youths’ emotional needs
Info taken from:
The moral of the story is parent should check on their children need physically and emotionally. Do not take their grouses lightly, pay attention to them even if we are so busy with our daily works and other commitments. Do remember that children will seek other alternatives such as befriend with strangers and involved with unhealty activities.
They will start with smoking, going to game arcades and skip schools. They will then involved in drugs etc and without parents involvement to check their whereabout, things will get worse and maybe someday their life's will be destroyed.
To all parents, just pay some attention to them and maybe listen to anything they might have to tell you. You might be surprised to what they have to tell you.
Morderator RTDM
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