30 Jan (2 days ago)
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Good day,
It is very disappointed and worry regarding security condition in Desa Mewah.
Just within Jan 2013, the number of house break in cases is more than 3.
So, more aggressive and effective approach may need to consider to control the situation.
We need to ensure all warga desa mewah is contributing and consider monthly fund is must to ensure consistency security control operation.
Following is some suggestion to consider
1. Install CCTV at each corner. The security guard can monitor effectively.
2. Number of security guard needed also reduce - more cost efficient.
3. Install road and entry barrier with security system.
Only resident here can enter. Resident have to take good care of the card,
just like own credit card.
4. All path way behind houses is secured with fence. Compulsory.
5. All small gate of so called lorong tikus must be locked. Whom want to access,
need to register to get the duplicate key.
6. Payment of each resident is every quarterly collection. This can minimize those
unnecessary payment reminder resources.
Most of the resident do not want to participate is due to security unit cannot guarantee no thieves case. So, with CCTv and entry card excess system to control, this definitely can very much improve and prevent. We have concrete proof in case any suspecting person.
Initial fund to setup up may be not enough, however, we should request support and contribution from ADUN to support. This is also part of PDRM and kajang local council to ensure excellent and safe environment.
AJK rukun tetangga kindly arrange immediate gathering of all warga desa mewah to decide the security issue and get consensus action and countermeasure.
Pls send notice and compulsory attendance Of each house should be considered.
Co-operation is the key to ensure 100% secured place for us to stay.
Desa Mewah should famous as top security resident area.
Awaiting good news from Rukun Tetangga Desa Mewah.
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It is very disappointed and worry regarding security condition in Desa Mewah.
Just within Jan 2013, the number of house break in cases is more than 3.
So, more aggressive and effective approach may need to consider to control the situation.
We need to ensure all warga desa mewah is contributing and consider monthly fund is must to ensure consistency security control operation.
Following is some suggestion to consider
1. Install CCTV at each corner. The security guard can monitor effectively.
2. Number of security guard needed also reduce - more cost efficient.
3. Install road and entry barrier with security system.
Only resident here can enter. Resident have to take good care of the card,
just like own credit card.
4. All path way behind houses is secured with fence. Compulsory.
5. All small gate of so called lorong tikus must be locked. Whom want to access,
need to register to get the duplicate key.
6. Payment of each resident is every quarterly collection. This can minimize those
unnecessary payment reminder resources.
Most of the resident do not want to participate is due to security unit cannot guarantee no thieves case. So, with CCTv and entry card excess system to control, this definitely can very much improve and prevent. We have concrete proof in case any suspecting person.
Initial fund to setup up may be not enough, however, we should request support and contribution from ADUN to support. This is also part of PDRM and kajang local council to ensure excellent and safe environment.
AJK rukun tetangga kindly arrange immediate gathering of all warga desa mewah to decide the security issue and get consensus action and countermeasure.
Pls send notice and compulsory attendance Of each house should be considered.
Co-operation is the key to ensure 100% secured place for us to stay.
Desa Mewah should famous as top security resident area.
Awaiting good news from Rukun Tetangga Desa Mewah.
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Feed from rukuntetanggadesamewah@gmail.com
30 Jan (2 days ago)
to Norman, Catherine
Dear Ms Cathrine,
Firstly, we have highlighted security matter during new election of AJK last year. We also have highlighted how important to have security at our neighborhood but only scores of people did support us. It is really disappointed after several secured years, we have no choice but to abandon the sucurity matters.
Without financial support from the tenants we could not pay for the service. We actually only collect enough to pay the monthly security service but before we abandon it only 40% support rtdm.
For you info, the AJK did not take any allowance for managing the security service (voluntary) only a cup of teh tarik for AJK who is on duty. Still many people think that we taking money for ourself.
We think its too late cause nobody supported us. This break in always in our main agenda during meeting that's why we put fencing at several location (no budget to do all) and a few other things but still some of the residence came to us and say nasty words.
We appreciated your proposal but its too expensive to be done. We have write to our YB but still need to get our own financial to do it. It's all in discussions but financial issue.
Lastly, try to visit our blog and get contact number of our AJK for further clarification.
23:49 (8 hours ago)
to me, Norman
Good day,
Thanks for the feedback.
Regrets to hear those unpleasant word throw to AJK, but you guys should not feel upset but should have to be more aggressive to proof the effectiveness of rukun tetangga desa mewah.
Many gated resident when surrender the control to rukun tetangga also encounter this kind of problem where some resident not paying monthly fees, they could be busy and forget, but some is purposely. Anyway, let strategy how to make everyone surrender the monthly funds on time.
1 of the example is, each row select a leader to remind if their neighbour not yet pay.
We can see fencing is build, but, has been broken right?
Are you able to see who make those kanasai things?
Break in, if there is CCTV, they still dare to do so?
It would be more effective for our guard to monitor from CCTV instead of go round and round.
Basically, sorry to say that we do not receive any information regarding the gathering meeting organize by rukun tetangga, so, just wondering what is the attendance rate? Does each tenant send representative?
What kind of and how many proposal being presented? All also not accepted? What is the reason of objection?
Please post this at blog and notice board, including both supported reason & objection reason, including list of tenant whom make the feedback.
Agenda without conclusion and action is useless.
If YB cannot help, we must help ourselves.
Beside consider security company service which is costly, why not consider to hire security guard by desa mewah? Setup CCTV is 1 time installation investment and number of guard can be reduce to only 6 ( 3 person each shift ). Just hire 6 guards should not be more that RM 10k right?Like what you may expect, corruption accuse may throw to AJK, but, make this as open tender and of course the vendor must meet the specific spec & requirement we needed.
An comprehend proposal should be made prior make known to all resident and get them be convinced and consent.
Make the things transparent example monthly financial statement publish at blog and notice board, as such those chicken nonsense voice talk behind will stop and shame.
We should make them feel shame as they must responsible and think before talk.
AJK pls become leader, you all must more high profile. Pls act as leader to coordinate.
If building entry fence at the back walking path of the house is effective, please urge all to do it.
Why only some have, but some still no fence build
The in cooperation of warga desa just will make things worst and give advantage to increase crime rate. Please make them awake.....don't feel bad only when become break in victim.
And lastly, 1 more request, we hope that RTDM can share latest news regarding crime cases happen in desa mewah. Post at blog, email to all DM residents. This will help to alert to all.
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Rukun Tetangga Desa Mewah
08:45 (0 minutes ago)
to Catherine, Norman
This is just a voluntary works, we are trying to help by being a link to authority etc but to get that kind of remarks is disheartening but anyway we have been here for several years. We have done more than 5 times Mesyuarat Agung but the attendances is disappointing as mention before. We can only see when there free food then people come but only for makan.
Gated community is too much hassle to get approval from the MPKj. Even our pondok jaga also don't have approval despite several submission to MPKj. You can get the info from Krt Desa Mewah. Even the cost also too high and we do have fund for that. The boom gate, several areas fencing, we are getting fund from AJK and some sponsor from individuals especially from our former Penerusi, Tn Hj Zaidi. The broken fencing been rectified several times but always no brain residence and outside people broke it again.
CCTV have been placed at out main entrance but somehow the cost for maintenance is quite high and our AJK also not very familiar how to handle it (some of the AJK who know about CCTV have left). To have CCTV at every corner of the junction is out of question due to lack of fund.
For information on the meeting, we circulate the news by SMS and also pamphlet (distributed to every house) and sometimes by banners. We cannot meeting everybody at their cause only hnadfull of us (around 20 AJK) and also we have other commitment. All the proposal and action being minuted and you can get it at the Bilik Gerakan.
For security guard,it is not easy to handle or monitored, by security guard company or by RT itself. We have tried both. A lot of problems arise and we handle it. Cost of guards (6 person) almost RM 15K monthly. If less guards, not effective. We have coordinate to have entry fence at the back walking path of the house, only a few rows wiling to accept (you can go around see which row is cooperate). We tried to post at our blog and facebook (krt desa mewah). We also need reports from the residence to be post to us.
Hope you can see now and understand. Further clarification you can call one of our AJK.
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